Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/9/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Consent Agenda Items
Type: Action
Subject: Approval of First Amendment to Wheaton Park District Lease Agreement with Community Unit School District 200
Vision 2026:
Operational Excellence Strategies 1
Address facilities projects identified in the Facilities Master Plan.
Background In July 2013, the Wheaton Park District and Community Unit School District 200 agreed to an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the Lease, Construction, Recreational Use and Maintenance of a Synthetic Turf Field at Monroe Middle School. CUSD 200 was and continues to own the property (field areas) behind Monroe Middle School.
File Attachment:
First Amendment Lease Agreement with CUSD Graf Park.pdf
ORD 2024-07 CUSD 200 Graf Park- First Amendment Lease Agreement.pdf
Summary: In the summer of 2024, the Wheaton Park District approached CUSD 200 to discuss an extension to the existing IGA between both parties for the turf field behind Monroe Middle School. The purpose of extension request was to support the Wheaton Park District's submission of an OSLAD Grant (Open Space Lands Acquisition & Development) to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for a full replacement of the synthetic turf field behind Monroe Middle School. The change in the term of the agreement (25 to 40 years) aligns with requirements in the OSLAD Grant and ensures that the Wheaton Park District will bear sole responsibility for maintaining and replacing the turf field during the 40-year term. If the Wheaton Park District is awarded the OSLAD Grant, the project will be completed in 2025.

A copy of a signed First Amendment to the Lease Agreement and the Ordinance approved by the Wheaton Park District Board are attached.
Funding: All funding for the replacement of the synthetic field at Monroe Middle School will be the sole responsibility of the Wheaton Park District for the duration of this agreement.
Board Policy 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs
Recommendation: Its is recommended that the Board of Education approve the First Amendment to the Wheaton Park District Lease Agreement with Community Unit School District 200 as presented.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Brian O'Keeffe - Asst Superintendent Business Services
Signed By:
Jeff Schuler - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Brad Paulsen Moved, Member John Rutledge seconded to approve the Original motion 'Its is recommended that the Board of Education approve the First Amendment to the Wheaton Park District Lease Agreement with Community Unit School District 200 as presented.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Brad Paulsen     Yes
Rob Hanlon     Yes
Dave Long     Yes
Angela Blatner     Yes
Julie Kulovits     Yes
Erik Hjerpe     Yes
John Rutledge     Yes